Author: Luke

greetings friends! I hope the beginning of May finds you well. recently I've been working on a variety of writing projects. one of which started out as an idea for a rather small scale movie, but ended up growing into an almost novella level...

hey friends, have a collection of my favorite iPhone pics from 2012 for you. my photography has always been a reflection of where I find myself. I rarely go out to "take" photos...

howdy there, hope you all had a very festive New Year's! this week I'm going to be finishing up my essay on the Heist movie. if you missed last weeks, read Part 1 here. this week we pick up with the character that often sets it all...

hello friends! hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season so far. I've been enjoying great Christmas break with my family in the delightfully cold and wet Puget Sound area. recently, in between all the holiday parties and travel I've been researching the "Heist" movie. and...

hey friends, so earlier this year while search thrift stores for "Found in Kitsap" cameras I came across 3 disposable cameras which were "brand new." that is, they were wrapped in plastic and had all their exposures left. there was one camera with 24 frames, and...

hey friends, I'm happy to share with you some photos from my these film "Coming To." it was shot on 16mm waaaay back in the fall of 2000. next week I'll post the film, more photos, and talk about some of the many (many!) lessons I learned...

howdy, as many of you know - the last couple weeks I spent up in Mammoth Lakes, snowboarding, editing and writing. it was a really great and refreshing trip - not unlike my Sheep Ranch trip last year. the main difference here was instead...

howdy friends, as camera phone technology continues to improve, more and more of my photos are being taken w/ my iPhone. the pictures I take are very much a representation of where I've been and what I've found interesting. sure there's a few sunset photos in...

hey friends, this morning I was getting my teeth cleaned and the cleaner lady (dental hygienist?) asked me whats new? I told her about finishing up CERTIFIED and UPDATING PAIGE (now on youtube) she asked, "you have a day job right?" "yeah that's right." "so you...